Monday, January 20, 2014

German gold housed in the United States? (Blog Posts) Safeguard and Zerogon

ZEROGON reply to Blog • 10 days ago
Hey Mr German, even if you never recover the mysteriously missing golden nuggets - consider it a down payment on the American nuclear bombs now housed on your soil.

Safeguard  reply to ZEROGON • 6 days ago
Um... those gold nuggets are the retirement accounts of teachers, firemen, police officers and little old folks that worked in mills and plants for 30 years to end up with no home, no job for their children and a president that goes against everything that they did without and sacrificed to give him the sense of entitlement to use our Blanket of Freedom to do what ever he wants.

ZEROGON  reply to Safeguard • 5 days ago
Um...not so much...turns out, the seven-hundred and forty-three tons of the gleaming nuggets are actually being called back to Frankfurt . It was because of the Cold-War, Germany decided that their gold would be much safer spread out around the world, verses, keeping it in one central location. New York, London and Paris all currently house German gold. Now because of financial uncertainty, the fatherland wants all of it back. To date, the French have given most of their portion back, America plans to spread out the transfer over seven years, and the Brits are somewhere in between.

But here's the catch, actually, this gold has been scattered within the above mentioned cities, ever since the end of the second world war. Seems that Germany wasn't trusted all that much, you understand, something that had to do with them continually attempting to destroy the peace of the world. So this was a predetermined mindset of the Allies giving them virtual control over the German economy - the thinking was, if the Germans ever decided to make war again, this gold, would be off limits to them, leaving the nation bankrupt.

For some odd reason, my guess is, political correctness (which is a weak position to be in) for it has changed the foreign policy of France, Britain and the US and we are naively giving in to German demands - will it come back to bite us in the backside...time will tell.

What I think really is shaping up, and right before our eyes - is a repetition of history , watch for Germany to start flexing its muscle - especially now that America has pulled its military forces out of the Middle East, and by the end of this year, we are cutting our losses and pulling out of Afghanistan, the Germans are already securing a strong presence in the region and this gold exchange, is nothing more than a precursor to war.

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