Monday, January 20, 2014

A Little Rant! - Posted on August 22, 2011 by Bullion Bling

I have spent the last 5 years begging the US Banks for help and explaining to anyone that would listen that the US businesses need help to open its businesses to the Global Business Arena.  I have explained that we need help from countries other than China and the other Super Powers.  My take on it is that we needed help from the smaller countries such as the Latin American and African Nations.  The reasoning for this opinion is that the US doesn't make anything and we have outlawed and legally strangled our Country from actually being a productive nation and in turn have starved ourselves into a corner.

If you know me you are probably trying to figure out why I would have gone down this path after spending 15 years doing business support, training and working in banking, real estate, and technology.  Well the answer is pretty simple, I knew this was coming just as I predicted the Mortgage Meltdown in 2002 but no one listened to me then.  Several Congressmen and Reps got the Self Reliance Mortgage Package and slowed down the first Bail Out Bill by 3 days.  They didn't understand what they were reading?  We have a few pressing things to be concerned with right this minute and 4 of them are being dramatically overlooked by everyone.  And these 4 things are just what will make you go bonkers when they all hit at the same time.  It is like a fast tracked locomotive that is running down the tracks at high speed and we need to make a hair pin turn without hitting the breaks.
Coming from the gold industry for over 5 years now it is pretty easy to see, in plain sight, that the Gold Hedging is going to catch up with everyone and bury the Pension Funds, IRAs, and 401Ks.  The cat is going to shred the bag when they realize the Gold isn't in the Private Vaults to back up those investment accounts and gold savings programs.  The banks are going to be exposed for not actually needing the money from the Bail Out Bills and that they screwed the American People and used the “Government” to do it.  And last, when the World finds out that the US Bank Shareholder have been starving the US out of doing business Internationally because they are trying to control the US Banks by leveraging the European and Asian Banks in an effort to control the flow of Imports and Exports in and out of the US.

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